25 May 2010

Tower of London

We went to the Tower of London today. We saw the crown jewels, which were pretty giltzy. I don't think most people would use that word to describe royal accessories. Meh. We also saw some (a lot) rather intricate suits of armour and I got "expert archer" in an archery test. We weren't allowed to take pictures of anything inside, but we got some goodly outside photos.

I tried to joke around with the Beefeaters. I asked them if there were any vegetarian Beefeaters. They were not amused. They wanted to make all the jokes themselves.

Lexy got stabbed by an iron knight. But she healed pretty quickly.

We saw some guards'n'stuff.

If you look closely, you can see a guard out this window.

We had to wear stickers because we were with an "educational group," and they wanted us all to stay together with one of our leaders always in sight. But this was because the educational groups are usually grade school kids. So we ignored them and did our own thing.

Then we got bagel sandwiches. This was called The Roosevelt and it was surprisingly tasty because of the nicely marinated portabello. Plus everything's better with cheese.


  1. I can't get a good look at the new funky haircut. Maybe the beefeaters hat's are stealing the show.

  2. I need your camera and I think it is funny that people think that bridge is the London Bridge. Duh people.

  3. I'm glad I healed quickly enough to totally punch out that other unprepared statue.
