12 May 2010

Bath & Stonehenge

When I said I had nothing exciting to report, I lied. How could I forget about my trip to Bath and Stonehenge?! Oh, yeah. I tried to block it out because it was SO COLD. Otherwise, it was a good time. About 10 of us went with a tour group called Anderson Tours. It was nice to not have to worry about any of the mechanics of getting there. However, I would've liked a longer stop in Bath.
We went to the Roman Baths first. For me they weren't terribly exciting. I don't generally get into ancient history.

Also, the Romans invented safety pins. You learned something today.

Then we went to the Fashion Museum. This was also a disappointment except for two things: there was a dress that Queen Victoria wore, I learned that she was very short AND we got to try on corsets.
It looks really good with my I heart NY t-shirt, no? I became weak and delicate as soon as a put it on and went into a faint.

So, I wish that I would've explored Bath and some of the shops and views rather than going to the tourist sites. C'est la vie.
The best part had to be seeing the famous street from Persuasion, my favorite Jane Austin. At least I'm pretty sure it's the right street. Even if it's not, I'll always believe that it is.

I actually really enjoyed seeing Stonehenge, but as I said, it was so cold that we moved very quickly. I was ill prepared clothing wise and I don't know if you remember, but I lost one of my gloves. However, I did have my trusty jacket-in-a-packet that I bought at Primark. It cut the wind a little bit and I look amazing with the hood all cinched up. At least everyone always knew where I was.
Listening to a tour whilst Stonehenge poses perfectly.
See, it's not so big.

I'm crushing, crushing Stonehenge. (Name the TV show.)
Also, I did the running man in front of Stonehenge.

There was lots of very pretty countryside.


  1. That definitely is the street from persuasion. One of my favorites too. But did you see the new Emma from BBC with Romola Garai? My new favorite.

  2. You are taking some amazing pictures. Buy yourself a new glove and and new umbrella. You do look good in polka dots and corsets.

  3. Allen, I did see it and I loved it. I may have watched it twice. However, Persuasion will always be my favourite, I think. Movie and book.

  4. Also, I saw Poppy Miller, the girl who plays Isabella in that version of Emma, in the play Twelfth Night last week.

  5. We used to make replica's of stonehedge, with our wheatabix, at breakfast time.

  6. I’m a big travel freak, and I was looking to book Cheap Private guided tours from London, thanks for sharing this blog, now I have all I need to know.
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