04 June 2012

Reality After St. Regis

Just in case any of your were intensely jealous or thought I was bragging, I just wanted to show you my accommodations the two nights after I left the St. Regis.

The bottom bunk is tougher to get into than you would think. But hey, it was a bed and I'm certainly grateful for it and my nephew who gave it up for me.

This morning I'm off for my day at Disneyland. I am a Disneyland champ. I may not be the most knowledgeable or savvy Disneylander, but I might be in the running for the most funnest Disneylander. I find that what makes or breaks a Disneyland trip is the company you keep. I'd much rather go by myself than with a grump-gut, a moper, or a non-people watcher. Half the fun of going is people watching and discussing said people watching. Plus you gotta go with someone who is willing to temporarily embrace the cheese factor that happens at Disneyland...when in Rome, right?


  1. I've only been once, with Morag & Seth (and various other friends and possibly another sister). It was magical! I'd been a cynic my whole life (I was in my early 20s this 1 and only time) and I loved every second of it! I would go all the time, if I could.

    Morag maintains that it is the happiest place on earth. She might be right!

    1. Mairi, when I lived down there I DID go all the time! I wouldn't be surprised if I've visited Disneyland over 200 times in my life. And that doesn't even feel like an exaggeration.
