25 March 2013

Things that Stress Me Out in Movies

Sometimes my energy is spent on weird things when I watch movies. It's mostly little thingsthings that perhaps directors and actors don't really think aboutand it's more than likely that whatever I'm noticing stresses me out. It's probably a weird branch of anxiety disorder.

1. When women put their purses down I keep track of if they pick them up before they leave. I may have an exaggerated fear of losing my purse, because I have vivid memories of my mother losing her purse or wallet several times.

2. In chase scenes where poor bystanders get their business shot up or destroyed. Now how are they supposed to support themselves and/or their families?

3. I keep track money exchange in restaurants. If characters leave a restaurant in a hurry and don't throw a wad of cash down first, they are dead to me.

4. On a related note, I get antsy when a character orders food, but they take no bites or one or two bites. Such a waste.

5. When characters don't close their blinds at night. I don't care if it's a RomCom or family movie, there are probably weird dudes peeking in their windows.

6. When characters "wash" their hands, but really they just rinse them for one second then dry them off. We all saw that, we all know you're now germ-riddled. Gross.

I'm sure there's more. Do you have any movie stresses, or am I the only one living in Crazy Town?


  1. It drives me crazy when people leave outdoor doors open in movies! Close it behind you, people! Air conditioning! Geez

  2. That's exactly what I was going to say. Doors!!! Close your door! I also hate it when actors start talking on the phone before it actually gets to their ear. Hello! That's more of a pet peeve than a stress though. And also #4.

    1. I only except that phone thing if the character is elderly.

    2. AND have you noticed how they never say "goodbye"? They just hang up without any warning.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Forgivable in spy movies, Donnette, but otherwise yes.

  3. Here's what bothers me:
    1. Why doesn't anyone say goodbye at the end of a phone conversation? How does anyone know to stop talking? "Hello? Are you there?"
    2. How can EVERYONE have exact change for the taxi?
    3. No one watches the road when they drive! How are they not crashing into everything?
    and that leads into my four, also one of yours--the wanton destruction of the property of innocent bystanders! I think "who's gonna pay for that? you didn't even leave a note!"

  4. Waking up with perfect makeup/hair. I love movies that are honest about how people look in the morning.

    Same token: beautiful women after childbirth scenes.

    I always want to know where the kids are. This is more of a TV thing, but usually it's established that a character has children and then we never see them even though we see the character at all hours of the day.

    Same token: We're told a character has a job, and yet we see them not at their job at all hours of day. Schmidt from New Girl comes to mind.

    Those were mostly pet peeves...But I do get anxious that the characters are slacking off as parents or employees.

    1. While I agree with your first one, no one wants to see my bedhead portrayed in media. Ha!

  5. I feel a lot of anxiety when characters turn on showers, faucets, etc and leave the water running for a long time. The environment, people! The environment!

  6. This is a weird one, but I hate when the editor cuts together shots of a kiss that are clearly at least two different kisses because in one the guy leans to the left and in another the guy leans to the right.

    Also, when people are zig-zag drivers, constantly slightly adjusting the wheel as they drive down a perfectly straight road/the highway. If you drive like that, you should get pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence.

    1. Ha, good ones. But do zigzag drivers even happen much anymore? I just chalk that up to hilariousness in classic movies or SNL skits now.
