28 February 2012

Either I'm a Jerk or a Character Actor In Training

Lionel Barrymore's face in It's a Wonderful Life. 
In past few years I've realized that I was born an 85-year-old curmudgeon. The more I think of the stereotypes for the crotchety among the elderly, the more proof that I have that I would make an amazing cantankerous elderly character actor...if I wasn't in my 30s. Let's look at some examples:

  • I do not like the company of children. I believe that they should only be seen or heard in controlled environments, like on TV or in the movies.
  • I get annoyed when children play in the snow because it ruins the lovely view of a smooth snowscape.
  • I cannot stand when people walk on the grass unless they are in a park or their own yard.
  • I like cats. (Which has nothing to do with being a curmudgeon, but points to me becoming a crabby old cat lady, which seems to be socially worse that just a crabby old lady.)
  • I cannot abide loud and/or bass heavy music.
  • I cringe at those who yell instead of speak to communicate in public places. This includes talking on cell phones in public places.
  • I am always right, especially when I figure out I'm on the wrong side of the argument.

But since I am in my 30s, this list makes me look like an uptight jerk instead of a curmudgeon you make excuses for because they are old and have "earned it." But I'm not just crotchety, I'm also a genius. I can work with what I have. If I keep cultivating these...quirks, I can call it job research in the effort to eventually become that cantankerous character actor. And it will be the easiest job in the world, because I will just be who I am. See? Genius.


  1. You are a genius. And I agree with you on many of your points - like people shouting in public places. It's especially bad when it's Americans, and they're especially conspicuous over here, where they're in the minority.

    Also loud and/or bass heavy music! I'm always having to apologetically tell people that I have a very low electric guitar threshold.

    And then a note on Lionel Barrymore. As a child I thought his only role was in "It's A Wonderful Life" (at that time I thought that Clark Gable's only role was in "Gone with the Wind"). I have since seen Lionel Barrymore in many other films (Clark Gable too, for that matter) and just wanted to ask you if you'd seen him in "A Free Soul" (which, incidentally, stars Clark Gable as well! Hah!)? It's an excellent film (with Norma Shearer and Leslie Howard as well).

    And now I'll stop babbling.

    1. I haven't seen "A Free Soul," but I'll see if the library has it. I do remember seeing "You Can't Take It With You" and being very suspicious of Lionel Barrymore in that because of his role as Mr. Potter. I kept thinking he was going to be so mean all of a sudden and try to make everyone's lives miserable.

  2. You two curmudgeons!!! But I do love all the old Barrymore's!!! (And Clark Gable, for that matter!)

  3. I was actually JUST thinking this today about myself....because there are weeks when I don't want to deal with people in general. Now I can say I'm just doing research for a role. Totally brill, Martha!

  4. I am always happy to help you, Adele. As long as you keep off my lawn and keep your gall-dern music down!

  5. You should also remember the role Barrymore played as Grandpa in You Can't Take It with You, and then you could work on that character while I'm around.

  6. Geoff, I tried that once but I became confused and disoriented. And you're never around. But I do love that movie.
